
Employment & Internships

大学的娱乐 is one of the largest on-campus employers of students. 事实上, 本部门为学生员工在满足学生需求方面所扮演的角色感到自豪 needs of the diverse community that is Austin Peay. 是我们的重要组成部分 使命是通过灌输共同的工作,为学生未来的职业目标做好准备 ethics and skills like time management, customer service and accountability.


Employment   Internships  Leadership团队  Mission & 愿景



365bet Students must apply through the Jobs4Govs 网站. Non-Students may apply for specialized positions like 健身 Trainer, and Water Safety 教练 by emailing a resume to the supervisor listed.


任何有兴趣在大学娱乐工作的人都应该首先申请职位 for which they are interested on the Jobs4Govs 网站. 申请每个职位. A few positions are available to non-students or 还有Austin Peay的子公司,比如团体健身教练,私人教练 及水上安全教官. Non-student applicants should email a resume to the supervisor of the position of interest. 

Whenever there is a vacancy, anyone in the current pool fitting our needs will be contacted to schedule an interview. Successful candidates will then complete official hiring paperwork and complete orientation and training before beginning a regular 工作安排.

New hires are brought on in a probationary capacity for the first 60 days. 这种格式 给员工和部门时间去熟悉,问很多 questions and make sure there is a good fit.


Upon successful completion of an Internships生ship, the student will have:


《365bet》与任何专业的学生合作,设计和制作娱乐节目 Internships生ship that meets their needs. Majors in kinesiology, Health Promotion, Business, 市场营销、会计、平面设计和环境研究只是其中的一部分 the majors that can fulfill an Internships生ship with 大学的娱乐.


Internships生将在大学娱乐的三个领域轮换:健身和 健康,设施操作,和程序(冒险娱乐,水上运动,和校内 Sports) to gain a comprehensive overview of Campus 娱乐.  Internships生将花费 approximately 4-5 weeks in each area.  Interns will gain experience in programming, 特别活动协调, 调度, 风险管理, 市场营销, 维护, 培训/发展, budget/fiscal management, and skills specific to each area. 

这次Internships对那些对娱乐作为职业感兴趣的人来说是一个有用的机会。 those interested in entering the fitness industry, or those who are undecided and seeking to explore different options. 

Interns will assist in facility operations 和管理. Internships生将协助学生 staff with daily front desk operations for efficiency, consistency, and adherence to department policies and procedures. Interns will assist with basic 维护 and upkeep of facilities and equipment. Interns will also assist with the following: 处理预订请求,工作订单跟踪,设备使用/计数,库存, 和管理. Also, Interns will assist with development, promotion, and implementation of various department activities, programs, 和服务.

对于那些对娱乐行业感兴趣的人来说,这次Internships是一个有用的机会。 那些有兴趣进入娱乐领域或对整体感兴趣的人 业务操作.

Internships生负责计划、规划、管理和监督 健身项目和人员,包括训练营,身心健康挑战, 健康 Expo and Breast Cancer 5k. Specific duties may include hiring and evaluating 健身员工,发展健身项目/活动,协助市场推广,指导 团体健身课程,监督健身中心,设备维护,和 库存. Students will gain experience in programming, 调度, fiscal management, 市场营销 and group fitness/personal training skills. Applicants working toward obtaining, 或已经拥有国家认可的团体健身或个人训练 证书,或有团体健身/个人训练经验者可获发 优先级. The position may require irregular hours including evenings and weekends.

这次Internships对那些在健身和健康领域寻找职业的人很有用 晋升,还是管理.


The 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学 department of 大学的娱乐 is seeking a 积极主动,足智多谋,精通技术的学生担任社交媒体和营销 Internships生.  The Internships生 will work directly with the 市场营销 team to strategize, craft, 并为所有平台执行内容,包括脸谱网、Instagram、推特和脸谱网 Snapchat.  Applicants should have a strong level of experience with each platform, 较强的写作能力、组织能力和团队合作能力 as well as solo, and be extremely creative. 市场营销Internships生

  • 与市场团队、专业人员、本科生助理等合作 学生工作人员需要了解我们的沟通方式和内容 达到我们的目标受众(现有和潜在的学生,学生家长,教师) 和工作人员, & Clarksville community members).
  • 概念化、创建、安排和发布鼓励参与的日常内容 on social media resulting in an increase of patron knowledge & 设施的使用情况 and an increase in event/program attendance.
  • 构建创新策略,为各平台的优酷账号增加受众
 Internships生负责协助行政,日程安排,计划和 instructing activities within the aquatics program. This may include creating/coordinating 安排游泳课、小组活动、潜水、健身等学术课程 classes, special events, and employee training.  Interns will gain experience in management, 监督,与不同年龄段的人合作,教学技巧,维护, 规划、库存跟踪、风险管理、财务管理和培训.  有救生员、游泳课教练或有游泳比赛经验者 swimming backgrounds will be given 优先级.  This position may require irregular hours including evenings and weekends. 

这次Internships对那些想要在水上运动管理、健身等领域发展的人很有帮助 以及保健、小学体育教师、管理或其他后勤人员 强化职业. 


To apply for 大学的娱乐 Internships生ships, fill out the Internships申请 and turn in to Jasin遗嘱, at the Foy 健身 & 娱乐 Center room 114 or willse@volamdolong.com,日期如下. A resume, cover letter, and 3 references must be submitted 通过应用程序. 

For more information or questions, contact Jasin遗嘱 at 931-221-7564 or willse@volamdolong.com


大卫·达文波特 - Director of 大学的娱乐
Jasin遗嘱, Associate Director of 大学的娱乐
Jasin遗嘱 - Associate Director


Lauren Wilkinson, Assistant Director, Services
Lauren Wilkinson - Assistant Director
健康/健康,户外活动 & 水上运动
校内的安雅·谢尔顿 & 体育俱乐部协调员
Anja Shelton -校内 & 体育俱乐部协调员
校内的 & 365bet平台俱乐部
VACANT - 娱乐 Programs 协调员
健身 & 健康
布拉德•艾伦 - 娱乐 Operations 协调员
客户服务 & 市场营销
Mac Murchison - Govs Outdoors 协调员
Govs户外,岩石墙 & 挑战过程
Kathleen Evans, Administrative Assistant
Kathleen Evans - Administrative Assistant



大学娱乐将成为该地区大学娱乐体验的领导者 and advocate for life-long wellness


大学娱乐为365bet和周边社区提供了机会 通过高质量的设施,项目, 和服务.